On-Demand Courses

New timelines for course completion for On-Demand Courses. Effective 7/1/24 you will be able to purchase the following on demand courses and you will have six weeks from date of registration to complete the course work. Please scroll through the following course offerings to identify a topic area relevant to your practice and for which you seek better understanding and mastery. Links to register for an On-Demand course are at the bottom of this page.

On-Demand Courses

Must complete within 6 weeks of registration

  • OD-PGP: Pelvic Girdle Puzzle

    On-Demand Pelvic Girdle Puzzle (OD-PGP) – Putting the pieces together with Functional Manual Therapy®

    Instructor: Ryan Johnson, PT, DPT, CFMT, FFMT, FAAOMPT

    On-Demand Schedule: Complete course within 6-weeks of registration.

    CEUs:  Approved for 14 PT contact hours (see the IPA CEU general policy on the IPA FAQ page)

    COST:  $475

    Lab SessionsThis is a lab intensive class.  A subject is strongly recommended  for lab practice sessions, beginning within 30 minutes of the start of the recorded class.  While a single subject is recommended to see the cumulative effects of FMT, it is acceptable to use more than one subject for practice.   A subject is not essential to complete the course, but strongly recommended.   

    Required Equipment:
    • Treatment table
    • Fascia Free
    • Pillows for support
    • Several towels
    • 1/2 Foam Roll


    PGP offers a broad introduction to the Functional Manual Therapy® system of patient care with an intensive focus on the anatomical region of the pelvis. This lab-intensive course blends material from a spectrum of the core curriculum courses and then expands upon that material providing additional techniques and concepts not presented in the core-curriculum classes. PGP is designed to meet the needs of both individuals new to IPA, and those seeking to expand their knowledge beyond the core-curriculum of IPA.

    In the IPA Functional Manual Therapy® (FMT) paradigm, the pelvis functions as the central axis of both movement and stability, creating far-reaching influences on movement. Therefore, to optimize human motion and stability, one must understand and assess the full-body impact of pelvic structure and function.

    PGP explores the biomechanical and functional impact of the pelvis on the kinetic chain both above and below the pelvis. Through demonstration and supervised virtual lab sessions, the participant will develop advanced skills of evaluation, differentiation of mechanical, neuromuscular, and motor control dysfunctions, and implementation of an appropriate plan of care and utilization of Functional Mobilization techniques to treat identified dysfunctions. Systematic functional and structural pre and post-assessments objectify the effectiveness of each intervention.


    By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

    • Understand the biomechanical and functional relationship of the pelvis to the trunk and extremities
    • Differentiate and treat soft tissues, joints, and viscera of the pelvic region
    • Identify, assess, and treat eight (8) specific biomechanical motions of the innominate (including abduction and adduction)
    • Identify, assess, and treat the specific functional and accessory motions of the sacrum in relationship to both L5 and each innominate 
    • Identify, assess, and treat the specific functional and accessory motions of the coccyx
    • Recognize the implications of coccyx mobility on the kinetic chain and total body function
    • Seamlessly integrate appropriate neuromuscular re-education and motor control training following each mobilization
    • Develop a dynamic home program, relevant to identified pelvic girdle dysfunction

      To register please scroll to the bottom of the page under OD-PGP

  • OD-DFA Dynamic Foot and Ankle

    On-Demand Dynamic Foot and Ankle (OD-DFA) – Finding a Firm Foundation with Functional Manual Therapy®

    To Register for the On Demand DFA course, scroll to the bottom of this page after Requirements and Additional Information.

    Instructor: Ryan Johnson, PT, DPT, CFMT, FFMT, FAAOMPT

    On-Demand Schedule: Complete course within 6-weeks of registration.

    CEUs:  Approved for 14 PT contact hours (see the IPA CEU general policy on the IPA FAQ page)

    COST:  $475

    Lab SessionsThis is a lab intensive class.  A subject is strongly recommended  for lab practice sessions, beginning within 30 minutes of the start of the recorded class.  While a single subject is recommended to see the cumulative effects of FMT, it is acceptable to use more than one subject for practice.   A subject is not essential to complete the course, but strongly recommended.   

    Required Equipment:
    • Treatment table
    • Fascia Free
    • Pillows for support
    • Several towels
    • Two 1/2 Foam Roll


    DFA is a lab intensive introduction to the Functional Manual Therapy® system of management for the foot and ankle. Through lecture and demonstration, the participant will gain a better understanding of the anatomical and biomechanical presentation of an efficient foot and ankle which provides for a dynamically stable and mobile base of support.

    Each participant will explore the biomechanical and functional impact of the foot and ankle on the entire kinetic chain and examine the role of the foot and ankle as an essential component of optimal mobility, alignment, and motor control of the human system. Participants will be instructed to utilize the Functional Manual Therapy® clinical reasoning system for examination, evaluation, and development of a plan of care for management of the patient with decreased function secondary to mechanical impairments of the foot and ankle.

    Through demonstration and supervised lab sessions, the participant will develop advanced skills of evaluation, differentiation of mechanical, neuromuscular, and motor control dysfunctions, and implementation of an appropriate plan of care and utilization of Functional Mobilization techniques to treat the identified dysfunctions. The course includes supervised and systematic pre and post functional and structural assessment to determine the effectiveness of the selected intervention.


    • By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
      • Analyze the biomechanical difference between a normal and an efficient foot and ankle in supervised lab practice sessions and instructor guided discussions.
      • Verbalize the difference between a “normal” / “efficient” foot and ankle based on the presented “challenge of normal” clinical evidence.
      • Identify 6 key structural components of a “compensated supinated” foot.
      • Compare 13 functional characteristics of an efficient vs. inefficient foot.
      • Apply 14 function-based FMT™ evaluation and assessment tools on partner during supervised lab session.
      • Develop 10 structural and functional goals for treating the foot and ankle.

      To register please scroll to the bottom of the page under OD-PGP

  • OD-SOP: Strategies for Optimizing Performance

    OD-SOP:  On Demand Strategies for Optimizing Performance:  Pushing the Limits for our Highest Functioning Patients

    Instructor: Seth Blee, DPT, CFMT, CSCS 

    On-Demand Schedule: Complete course within 6-weeks of registration.

    CEUs: Approved for 14 PT contact hours (see the IPA CEU general policy on the IPA FAQ page

    Cost: $475

    Lab Sessions and Lab Subject: This is a lab intensive class. Wear lab clothing appropriate for exercising. You have the option to participate in the labs or work with a lab subject during the lab sessions.

    Required Equipment
    • Exercise Mat
    • Kettle Bell and or weight, 5 to 20 lbs depending on participant
    • Sports Cord 
    • Elastic Band:  Recommend Theraband CLX medium resistance (blue)

    Build on the CoreFirst principles taught in CFS and other IPA/FMT classes to enhance the stability and physical performance of our highest functioning patients. CHALLENGE YOUR PERSONAL PHYSICAL POTENTIAL as well as discover how to push your patients to their optimum potential!

    Seth Blee, DPT, CFMT, CSCS, has been primary faculty for IPA for over 20 years,.  From 2016 to 2013, he served the medical staff of the Washington Nationals as their Lead Team Physical Therapist.  From 2020 to 2022,  Seth worked with the Washington Spirit (National Women’s Soccer League) as their Team Physical Therapist,  He currently owns BEST (Best Elite Sports Therapy)  and regularly treats professional football, basketball, hockey, lacrosse, and soccer players, as well as patients just wanting to move and function at their highest potential!  Seth has done multiple podcasts discussing rehab in professional sports and has been on ESPN as part of the E60 Project 11 program.

    In this dynamic seminar, Seth will present a framework for the utilization of CoreFirst® principles when evaluating and treating your higher level functioning patients, as well as competitive athletes.  The focus is to enhance the participant’s visual assessment skills when observing details of movement for quality, timing, sequencing, stability, and control.  Through demonstration and instructor led, self experiential, practice sessions, the participant will explore mechanisms to maximize efficiency of movement and improve physical performance by minimizing aberrant compensations and movement patterns which can lead to injury or decrease functional performance.  The virtual class will also include demonstrations integrating FMT treatment protocols and techniques as appropriate.

    By the end of the course, the participant will be able to:

    •  Explain how Automatic Core Engagement (ACE) can be used to assess physical performance capabilities
    •  Discuss the Saliba Postural Classification System (SPCS) and how these variations can impact physical performance.
    •  Apply the principles and techniques taught in CFS, applying these principles to Dynamic Functional Testing.
    •  Expand on the Functional Tests taught in CFS, applying these principles to Dynamic Functional Testing.
    •  Utilize Dynamic Functional Testing in multiple positions to highlight the importance of ACE for high level performance activities.
    •  Explain and apply the CFS for posture and movement to various sports specific positions and activities.
    •  Utilize PNF in developmental positions to enhance optimum function using principles of positioning, manual contacts, resistance, and irradiation to enhance facilitation for improved stability and physical performance.
    •  Identify key exercises commonly used in the performance and strength environment and discuss common dysfunctions based on the integration of the thoracic and pelvic girdle.

      To register please scroll to the bottom of the page under OD-SOP

  • OD-SHR: Sleep Health and Recovery

    On Demand Sleep Health and Recovery® (OD-SHR):  Resetting Brain and Body Wellness Through Sleep

    Instructor:  Trudy Messer, PT, OCS, RYT, CKTP, CFMT

    This course is open to all health care professionals and their patients.

    On-Demand Schedule: Complete course within 6-weeks of registration.

    CEUs: Approved for 10 PT contact hours (see the IPA CEU general policy on the IPA FAQ page)

    Cost: $350

    Sleep is the chief nourisher of life’s feast! (Shakespeare)

    Current best practice for physical therapists requires practical knowledge and appropriate intervention skills related to the effect of sleep on health and recovery.  The APTA House of Delegates adopted Sleep Health as part of the Physical Therapy Scope of Practice in 2015.  As a physical therapist, do you feel your current knowledge and skills are sufficient to screen sleep disorders and promote sleep health?  This webinar will prepare the clinician to better assess and categorize sleep disorders and effectively choose best-practice interventions.


    By the end of the class, the participant will be able to:

    • Identify the science of sleep health.
    • Correlate sleep physiology to body systems’ function and performance.
    • Define the most common sleep disorders.
    • Differentiate clinical signs and symptoms of sleep disorders.
    • Identify objective and subjective measures of sleep assessment.
    • Apply treatment interventions specific to each identified disorder.
    • Identify 11 healthy habits for optimal sleep hygiene.
    • Discuss current concepts of pillows and mattresses related to efficient sleep posture.

      To register please scroll to the bottom of the page under OD-SHR

  • OD-TES: The Endocannabinoid System

    On Demand The Endocannabinoid System (OD-TES): The Complex and Interactive Nature of Your Own Endocannabinoid System

    Instructor:  Cheryl Wardlaw, PT, MMSc, CFMT, author of Taming Pain & Taming Stress

    This course is open to all health care professionals and their patients.

    On-Demand Schedule: Complete course within 6-weeks of registration.

    CEUs: Approved for PTs for 5.5 contact hours (see the IPA CEU general policy on the IPA FAQ page)

    Cost: $210

    Optimal management of pain often goes beyond the application of our manual therapy techniques. Chronic pain can be the result of dysregulation of the body’s systems.  Having tools to facilitate the body’s return to a state of balance is essential to pain management.  TES presents an in-depth analysis of the body’s primary homeostasis system, The Endocannabinoid System (ECS).

    This groundbreaking seminar will:

    • Present the regulatory attributes of the ECS 
    • Discuss the pain recovery role of phytocannabinoids
    • Present the pros and cons of THC versus CBD
    • Discuss the regulatory effects of marijuana versus hemp
    • Compare the efficiency of each delivery system/method for phytocannabinoids
    • Discuss best choice strategies for patient education

    To register please scroll to the bottom of the page under OD-TES

  • OD-VVN: The Vagus Nerve - Balancing the Autonomic System

    On Demand The Vagus Nerve (OD-VVN), Balancing the Autonomic System

    Instructor:  Gregory S Johnson, PT, FFFMT, FAAOMPT

    On-Demand Schedule: Complete course within 6-weeks of registration.

    CEUs:  Approved for 5 PT contact hours (see the IPA CEU general policy on the IPA FAQ page)

    Cost: $240

    Lab Sessions:  This class includes guided lab sessions. Subject required during hours 2 through 5

    Required Equipment
    • Treatment table
    • Fascia Free
    • Pillows for support
    • Several towels
    • Exam gloves
    • Tongue Depressor
    • Flashlight to look in the mouth (phone flashlight would work)
    Change your patient’s emotional experience with their body by treating the physical mobility of the vagus nerve.

    This course will train the participant to identify and treat:

    • The physical experience of anxiety
    • High blood pressure
    • Irregular or elevated heart rates
    • Automatic contributions to breathing disorders
    • A missing link in visceral treatment

    This instructor will present the functional anatomy of the vagus nerve, its role in maintaining the homeostasis of the autonomic system, current polyvagal theories, and FMT mechanical assessment and treatment interventions to restore efficient function of the vagus nerve and the autonomic system.


        • Develop an understanding of the vagus nerve and its role in regulating the ANS
        • Discuss the definition and application of the Polyvagal Theory to PT practice
        • Identify pathologies associated with dysfunctions in the ANS
        • Present Functional Mobilization mechanical evaluation and treatment techniques for vagal nerve and visceral mobility.
        • Discuss appropriate home program

    “I had long COVID for three and a half months without improvement that included many classic symptoms. I had heart palpitations, lightheadedness, headaches, a varied pulse rate even at rest, was out of breath, weak, and felt brain fog with reduced concentration. Dismayed at my lack of progress, I saw my local internal medicine physician who recommended treatment by Gregg Johnson, PT. My physician noted several of his long COVID patients had made great progress.

    Physical therapists Gregg Johnson and Vilma Wong resolved my long COVID symptoms by reducing inflammation in the vagus nerve with manual therapy. The vagus nerve controls autonomic functions like breathing, heart rate, and messaging between internal organs and the brain.

    Reducing inflammation in the vagus nerve allows these functions to return to normal. I experienced remarkable improvement in the first session; after the second session, my symptoms disappeared. I encourage anyone with lingering COVID symptoms to visit the world-renowned physical therapists at J&J. To the entire J&J team: Thanks for all you do!

    Registration: To register please scroll to the bottom of the page under OD-VVN

  • OD-TSS: The Stress System

    On Demand The Stress System (OD-TSS):  Restoring Central Calm to Enhance Health and Pain Control

    Instructor:  Cheryl Wardlaw, PT, MMSc, CFMT, author of Taming Pain & Taming Stress

    This course is open to all health care professionals and their patients.

    On-Demand Schedule: Complete course within 6-weeks of registration.

    CEUs: Approved for PT CEUs for 4.5 contact hours (see the IPA CEU general policy on the IPA FAQ page)

    Cost: $165

    The management of stress is key to health, growth, and pain control.  Stress is more than something we are subjected to, it is a part of a biological system, the Stress System, designed to modulate the other body systems during threat and to enhance our development.  Dysregulation of this system can lead to disease, psychological issues and on-going pain problems.  TSS presents an in-depth analysis of this complex system and provides a wealth of strategies to optimize its health and function.

    This groundbreaking seminar will:

    • Reimagine stress as a natural physiologic state, with a modulating system
    • Present the Anatomy, triggers, processes and functions of TSS
    • Discuss how TSS modulates through neuronal, hormonal and behavioral activities
    • Explore how information flows to the Sympathetic Nervous System to resolve threat
    • Compare the signs and symptoms of efficient and inefficient stress modulation
    • Explore how chronic dysregulation of TSS leads to pain and poor health
    • Discuss strategies for recalibrating every component of TSS, including the Vagus Nerve


    Registration:  To register please scroll to the bottom of the page under OD-TSS

  • OD-TP: Taming Pain

    Taming Pain – Lessons from the Trenches. Explore the Complex Interactive Nature of Chronic Pain

    Instructor:  Cheryl Wardlaw, PT, MMSc, CFMT, author of Taming Pain & Taming Stress

    This course is open to all health care professionals and their patients.

    On-Demand Schedule: Complete course within 6-weeks of registration.

    CEUs: Approved for PTs for 14 contact hours (see the IPA CEU general policy on the IPA FAQ page)

    Cost: $475

    What are your strategies for management of patients whose pain is not resolved with advanced manual therapy interventions?  

    Do you have the knowledge to recognize the signs and symptoms of inflammatory pain symptoms verses mechanical?

    This lecture course is designed to help clinicians and their patients understand the complex, interactive nature of on-going pain. The participants will learn how each of the body’s systems contributes to the pain experience. Further, the participants will learn how to determine which systems are relevant to their own pain. Most importantly, the participants will learn self-treatment techniques to begin the journey of control and recovery.


    By the end of the course, the participant will be able to:

    • Differentiate among acute, chronic and sustained pain.
    • Explain how the body’s systems interact to successfully progress from injury and acute pain to recovery.
    • Explain the role of the Nervous System in the development and perpetuation of chronic pain.
    • Develop a treatment plan to rehabilitate the hypersensitivity of the Nervous System present in chronic pain.
    • Differentiate which system(s) and factors are involved in the production of a given patient’ sustained pain, including: Immune System, Gastrointestinal System, Endocrine System, Peripheral Nervous System, Fascial System, coccyx, viscera, Lymphatic System, Musculoskeletal System, nutrition, posture
    • Develop therapeutic interventions to positively impact the identified system(s)’ role in the patient’s sustained pain.

    Registration:  To register please scroll to the bottom of the page under OD-TP

  • OD-CR: Core Curriculum Recorded Courses

    Core Curriculum Courses for Repeat Attendees

    Pre-requisite: Completion of the live version of the course.

    The Core Curriculum live courses are now available to be viewed on demand for half price by those participants who completed the live course.  These recordings are available to view for six weeks from date of registration.  These courses include:

    • CFS (CRCFS) $312.50 (Recorded Fall 2023)  
    • PNF (CRPNF) $362.50 (Recorded Fall of 2023)  
    • FMI (CRFMI) $362.50 (Recorded Fall of 2022)  
    • FMLT (CRFMLT) $325.00 (Recorded Spring of 2024)
    • FMLE (CRFMLE) $325.00 (Recorded Fall of 2022)
    • FMUE (CRFMUE) $325,00  (Recorded Spring of 2024)
    • FMUT (CRFMUT)  $375.00  (Recorded Spring of 2024)
    • CBI (CRCBI)  $325.00 (Coming July 29, 2024, Recorded Summer of 2024)

    On-Demand Schedule: Complete course within 6-weeks of registration.

    CEUs: Approved for  PT contact hours (see the IPA CEU general policy on the IPA FAQ page). The CEU hours are awarded based on the length of each recorded course.

    Cost: Half price of the “Super Early Bird” charge for each course. ($312.50 – $375.00)

    Lab Practice Sessions:  Since you are repeating this course, lab practice time is optional.  However, practicing is highly recommended.

    Registration:  To register or check availability please scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the course for which you qualify to view the recorded course.

Requirements & Additional Information

  • Required Course Preparation

    • Pre-course videos or reading is required for certain virtual seminars.  If pre-course work is required, it will be part of your IPA E-learning module.  To receive CEUs for the webinar,  all students must complete any required course preparation which may includes videos, quizzes, and articles. Once you are enrolled in an on-demand course, required course preparation can be found by logging on to your IPA account and selecting “My Upcoming Courses.”  If you have any trouble accessing the required course preparation please email [email protected] for assistance.  Prep time varies by course so be sure to review required course work immediately following your purchase to allow for sufficient time to complete assignments prior to the start of the course. To receive CEUs all required course preparation must be completed PRIOR to course commencement.
    • Lab subjects:  Some virtual classes require a subject for lab practice sessions.  It is very important that you check the specific course description to determine if this is a requirement.  If so, please secure an appropriate subject to ensure your ability to practice the techniques presented.
    • Personal preparation:  If course involves hands on treatment, please have your fingernails filed and trimmed.
    • Self review of anatomy or physiology specific to the virtual class topic.

  • Manual and Document Delivery

    • Your Course Manual is delivered through a link in your IPA e-Learning course.  Instructions for download and how to receive your manual and any other important documents will be included in our acceptance letter and your reminder letter.
    • Release Forms:  Once you have registered, and prior to beginning the actual webinar, you will be required to complete a release form in your IPA e-Learning module.  This form must  be completed prior to any of the included course work.

  • CEU Information

    Contact Hours Vary by Class

    NOTE:  To receive a CEU certificate, you must complete the required liability form, any required pre-course work, view the webinar in its complete form, and complete the course evaluation at the conclusion of the course.  You will receive an email prior to the class with directions on how to complete your evaluation and specific guidelines as to the time frame in which this can be completed.

    • Classes approved for PTs will be approved in NY, IL, and CA.  For a different state, please check with your state board for reciprocity of CEU approval from one of these states.  IPA will provide the standard documentation needed for individual state approval if your state does not accept reciprocity.  OTs, and PTAs should check with their approving body to determine if the PT approval is acceptable.
    • Please check each virtual class for the target audience and for whom the class is designed to satisfy continuing education hours.

  • Price Information

    • Early Bird Discounts:   Do not apply to on-demand courses
    • Student / New Professional Discounts: Students and First Year New Professionals can receive a 20% discount. Full details here.
    • Repeat Discounts: IPA makes on-demand courses available at half-price for those repeating a course within five (5) years.  You must register by phone to receive a half-price repeat spot.  Registering online will result in you being charged full price. Credits cannot be issued once your transaction is complete.

On-Demand Courses

On-demand courses are available for 6 weeks after registration for viewing and completion.

Course Location Date Instructor(s)
CFS Course Recording IPA On Demand Classroom
On Demand
May 17, 2024 - Dec 31, 2025
Vicky Saliba Johnson Register More info
FMI Course Recording IPA On Demand Classroom
On Demand
Jun 18, 2024 - Dec 31, 2025
Jimmy Armentrout Register More info
FMLE Course Recording IPA On Demand Classroom
On Demand
Jun 21, 2024 - Dec 31, 2025
Gregory Johnson Register More info
FMLT Course Recording IPA On Demand Classroom
On Demand
Jun 21, 2024 - Dec 31, 2025
Ryan Johnson Register More info
FMUE Course Recording IPA On Demand Classroom
On Demand
Jun 21, 2024 - Dec 31, 2025
Gregory Johnson Register More info
FMUT Course Recording IPA On Demand Classroom
On Demand
Jun 21, 2024 - Dec 31, 2025
Gregory Johnson Register More info
OD-DFA: On-demand Dynamic Foot and Ankle IPA On Demand Classroom
On Demand
Jul 25, 2024 - Dec 31, 2025
Ryan Johnson Register More info
OD-PGP: On-demand Pelvic Girdle Puzzle IPA On Demand Classroom
On Demand
Jul 1, 2024 - Dec 31, 2025
Ryan Johnson Register More info
OD-SHR: On-demand Sleep Health and Recovery IPA On Demand Classroom
On Demand
Jul 1, 2024 - Dec 31, 2025
Trudy Messer Register More info
OD-SOP: On-demand Strategies for Optimizing Performance IPA On Demand Classroom
On Demand
Jul 1, 2024 - Dec 31, 2025
Seth Blee Register More info
OD-TES: On-demand The Endocannabinoid System IPA On Demand Classroom
On Demand
Jul 1, 2024 - Dec 31, 2025
Cheryl Wardlaw Register More info
OD-TP: On-Demand Taming Pain IPA On Demand Classroom
On Demand
Jul 1, 2024 - Dec 31, 2025
Cheryl Wardlaw Register More info
OD-TSS: On-demand The Stress System IPA On Demand Classroom
On Demand
Jul 1, 2024 - Dec 31, 2025
Cheryl Wardlaw Register More info
OD-VVN: On-demand Vagus Nerve, Balancing the Autonomic System IPA On Demand Classroom
On Demand
Jul 1, 2024 - Dec 31, 2025
Gregory Johnson Register More info
PNF Course Recording IPA On Demand Classroom
On Demand
Jun 20, 2024 - Dec 31, 2025
Vicky Saliba Johnson Register More info