Uncompromised, State of the Art, Practice Changing Education
We at IPA respect the ever increasing demand on your time and how this affects your critical decisions about professional development. However, in support of a path to clinical excellence, IPA will not compromise our mission statement of practice changing education to increase profit or fit within a watered down expectation of potential. IPA classes will challenge you and push you to attain the remarkable.

Continuing Education To Advance Your Career
The FMT treatment paradigm transcends the management of pathologies to the facilitation of optimal human function and improved quality of life. IPA classes “tie everything together”, revealing unsurpassed changes that result from treating the entirety of the body and the interdependence of the mechanical, neuromuscular and motor systems.
- IPA Classes inspire confidence to treat any patient population.
- Content driven by clinical experience, success and expertise.
- Lab intensive courses with excellent student to faculty ratio to provide extensive hands-on feedback.
- Instructed by master clinicians.
- Industry leading in lost cost/hour manual therapy courses.

- IPA classes transform your body, as the participant! Experience firsthand the life changing effects of FMT.
- Train your hands to feel, eyes to see, and minds to critically analyze (far better in person than distance learning).
- Structured learning to develop pattern recognition.
Students and First Year Professionals, learn how to receive a 20% discount on all IPA courses
Choose Your Path
Discover why IPA class participants are hooked on FMT, take multiple classes, and recommend IPA to colleagues