Category: FMUT

Kate McKechnie

Integrating the FMUT larynx treatment into my clinical practice, I notice amazing improvements in neuromuscular recruitment throughout the entire body. Mind-blowing! Glottal function is now an aspect of my evaluation for all patients.

Michael George

My young female patient with neck pain and a history of multiple concussions had only experienced moderate gains after 2-3 visits of direct cervical treatment. After FMUT, I treated the sphenoid intraorally and she immediately noticed significant changes!

Justin Lin

After having my vagus nerve and heart treated in FMUT, my morning blood pressure dropped from 140/90 to 118/74, the lowest in years!! And it has stayed that low! 

Julie Amundson

Utilizing the Functional Mobilization techniques taught in FMUT, I treated a tinnitus patient, considered one of the worst cases ever seen by her physicians in Chicago.  During our first visit, as I mobilized the soft tissues and cranium, she suddenly grabbed my arm and began to cry and was screaming, “something happened!!”  There was suddenly less noise in her ear and by the end of treatment, she claimed an 80% reduction in the intensity of tinnitus.  To be able to help someone who had been told there was no hope for over 8 years was a blessing!