Kong + Hat Set

Kong + Hat Set


The Kong has been utilized for decades as a versatile device to assist with manual therapy treatments. It is a valuable tool for both Functional Mobilizations and Percussive Manipulations/Mobilizations. The Kong can be used independently, or in conjunction with the “Hat Set” that provides 3 different shaped tops that fit into the small end of the kong and softens the contact and increases the grip of the “Kong” Tool.

Kong Mobilization Tool

The Kong has been utilized for decades as a versatile device to assist with manual therapy treatments. It is a valuable tool for both Functional Mobilizations and Percussive Manipulations/Mobilizations. The Kong can be used independently, or in conjunction with the "Kong Hat Set" that provides 3 different shaped tops that fit into the small end of the kong and softens the contact and increases the grip of the "Kong" Tool. Purchase the full set in the Kong + Hat Set for a discount.

48 in stock

Kong Hats - Set of 3

Three different shapes of "hats" that fit into the small end of the Kong Mobilization Tool. Developed by Cheryl Wardlaw, these hats are comprised of a tacky, soft, rubberlike material which can increase versatility of the Kong while performing mobilizations or percussive mobilizations. Can be purchased as a complete set with the Kong + Hat Set.

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