Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help?

If you have an inquiry that you cannot find the answer to below in our FAQs, please email our support team at [email protected]. We typically respond within 1-3 business days. We are here to help and provide answers to all your questions!

  • What are the current IPA Health and COVID Guidelines?

    Our Health Guidelines include our protocols for COVID and other respiratory diseases.

    Because of the close proximity of IPA manual therapy classes, our health policy regarding contagious diseases, including all respiratory symptoms, are slightly more stringent than CDC guidelines.

    • If you have symptoms, or have been exposed to, any respiratory illness within 3 days prior to a course please contact IPA to discuss options for attending the course. Contact IPA by emailing [email protected] with Urgent Health Concern
    • If you have tested positive for COVID within the 5 days prior to the start of a course, you can attend the course as long as you 1) are symptom free for 2 days before the start of the class and 2) wear a mask -OR- provide the results of a negative rapid antigen test to IPA 24 hours prior to the start of the course.

    Click here for a PDF version of the guidelines. If you have concerns regarding the above health guidelines, please write [email protected].

  • How do I whitelist IPA in my email to ensure communications are received?

    To ensure you receive all communications regarding a purchase, including but not limited to order confirmations, specific course information, and password resets, please whitelist the following domains:

    Each email system has its own unique process for whitelisting.  Below are directions from a few widely used email clients.

    Outlook Online (web version):

    1. Login to your email using the web version of Outlook (go to and login)
    2. Select Settings by clicking on the gear icon:
    3. Select “Mail” then “Junk email”
    4. Scroll down to the Safe Senders and Domains section
    5. Select “+ Add” to add a new domain and type in the domain name:
    6. The whitelisted domain or email address will appear in your Safe Senders list
    7. Save before exiting

    (software application)

    1. Launch Outlook and open your email
    2. From the Home ribbon select the Junk icon then Junk email options
    3. Select the Safe Senders tab
    4. Select Add and enter the domains one at a time, then select OK
    5. Select OK to Save and close the dialog box


    1. Login to Gmail
    2. Select Settings by clicking on the gear icon, and select Settings from the drop down
    3. Select “Filters
    4. Scroll past all your existing filters to the bottom of the page and select “Create a new filter”:
    5. In the from field add the domain you want to whitelist
    6. Select “Create Filter with this Search” link at the bottom of the dialog box
    7. Check the box next to “Never Send it to Spam” and any other options you would like
    8. Select the blue “Create Filter” button
    9. Add the email address that you want to whitelist to the “From” field.

  • How do I Access/Create My IPA Courses Account?

    IPA Courses; IPA e-Learning; IPA Products & CFMT Profiles

    The IPA recently moved to a new IPA digital platform.   Due to this transition, ALL customers, existing and new, must either activate an existing account or create a new account.  NOTE:  If you have previously taken IPA courses, you must activate your existing IPA account per the directions below.  The important information is that there are now THREE accounts.  We strongly suggest that you use the same email address and password for all three accounts.

    IPA Courses:  

    • Activating Your IPA Courses Account.  Returning IPA customers accessing your course account (course history or to register for a new course) for the first time on the upgraded platform.   NOTE:  If you have taken an IPA course DO NOT SET UP A NEW ACCOUNT as this will create a duplicate record which will impact your transcript.  If you are an existing customer, please follow the instructions below:  
      • Go to My Accounts on the IPA website. 
      • Under IPA Courses (the first column), click on the link which says:  Create / Activate your IPA courses account.
      • A page will come up that says:  Create Portal Account.  THIS IS THE CORRECT PAGE even though you have an account.  
      • On this page, complete the fields under create new account and choose a password (you are creating a password for your IPA courses account and this is what you will use for all future access).
      • Click on CREATE ACCOUNT.  This is required to activate an existing account. DO NOT click on Log In until you have activated your account by clicking “Create Account”..
      • You are now directed to a page that says:  “Your account is not activated, please verify your email address:”.  An email is automatically sent.  If you do not see this email in your inbox, check your other/spam boxes.  If not there, click resend email.
      • If you still do not receive the confirmation email, you may be using an email that is different from your existing IPA account.  If this is the case, you must repeat the entire process from the My Accounts Page using the correct email address.
      • Once you have completed all the above steps, if you are still not receiving an email, write [email protected] and request assistance.
      • Once you receive the email:  Click on Verify Your Email button.  
      • If email is verified, you will be directed to a page that states:  Account is one activated.  
      • Select View My Account to go to your IPA courses account.
      • This will activate your account.
      • For future access to your IPA courses information, follow the directions below to “Log in to an active IPA Courses Account. 
    • Log in to an Active IPA Courses Account. (If you have not activated your account follow the steps above.)
      • Go to My Accounts on the IPA Web Page, under the first column, IPA Courses, click on LOGIN to your IPA Courses account.
      • Type in your email address in the username field and password associated with your activated IPA Courses account and select Sign In.
      • If you have forgotten your Username OR Password, you must actually click on what you forgot at the bottom of the page.  There are two links in this prompt.

  • How do I Create/Access my IPA e-Learning Account?

    IPA e-Learning Account

    This is a specific account to complete your Online Pre-course Work, Course Evaluations, and on-demand courses.  This is a separate authentication from your IPA courses account.

    • Activating your IPA e-Learning account.  If you are logging in to your IPA e-Learning account for the FIRST time, you must use the link from an email sent to you from [email protected] with the subject line:  Online Requirement for your IPA Course – Enrollment Confirmation. Select the “Start Now” button in the email to activate your IPA e-Learning account.  Without the email that contains this link, you cannot activate your IPA e-Learning account.
      • This link will connect you to a page to complete your profile information for your IPA e-Learning account.
      • Once your account is activated, you no longer will need this special link.  You will be able to sign in as below.
      • You can not create a new account for your IPA e-Learning because the new account will not be linked to the course(s) in which you are enrolled.  You must follow the link provided in the email as noted above the first time you access this IPA e-Learning account.
    • Login to your IPA e-Learning account that has been activated. If you have previously activated or accessed your IPA e-Learning account, go to My Accounts on the IPA Website and under the middle column, IPA e-Learning, select “LOGIN to your IPA e-Learning account” and use your account information to sign in.
      • This link will take you to a sign in page where you can enter your email address and password.
      • There is an option on this page to sign in using Google or Microsoft.  To use this option, the email address MUST be the same between your Google or Microsoft account and the email address used with your activated IPA e-Learning account.  This option is not available if the IPA e-Learning account and your Google or Microsoft account email are not the same.

  • Can I register other participants?

    You must be logged in to the account of the intended course attendee to purchase a course online.  Courses purchased online will be recorded on the student transcript of the account used to make the purchase.  You can not register multiple students within your own account!  Doing so will cause all purchases to appear on your Student Transcript.  You are welcome to contact the IPA at (970-870-9521) to register yourself and/or other attendees.

  • If I registered online, how do I know it was processed?

    Registering online is a quick and efficient way to register for courses. Payment in full by credit card is required to complete the registration.  Once you have completed your registration, you will receive:

    • An email confirmation from [email protected] that includes “Registration Confirmed (name of course)” in the subject line.  This email contains information and special instructions specific to the course in which you are registered.
    • If there are any online requirements to your course, such as pre-course work or a post course evaluation, you will also receive an email from [email protected]  with the subject line: Online Requirement for your IPA Course – Enrollment Confirmation for each component required.  This email includes a “start now” link to activate/access these elements of the course.   
    • If you do not receive an order confirmation, please check your spam/other boxes and be sure you have white listed [email protected] or any email from to receive all information related to your course.  
    • After following all the above instructions, if you do not have the notifications mentioned above, please email the IPA office at [email protected].

  • Can I get a $100 voucher for referring someone to IPA?

    Yes! IPA has a referral rewards program. Refer a colleague to take their first IPA course and receive a $100 voucher for a future course. Referral must:

      • Be new to the IPA
      • Enroll in an in-person class
      • Be registered and paid prior to claiming your $100 voucher


    Voucher can only be used towards future course registrations. Voucher expires 18 months after issue date. Please fill out the form below and submit to claim your voucher. The IPA office will be in touch with you within 2 weeks following your form submission to provide you with a $100 voucher.

    Offer not valid for enrollment of hosting facility participants.

    Fill out the below form and hit the “Submit Form” button.

  • What is the IPA Course Cancellation Policy?

    Cancellations or Transfers:

    All cancellations or requests for transfers must be sent in writing to [email protected]. Cancellations and Transfers are allowed up to 23 days before a live course. Up to 23 days before the course, Cancellation Fees or Transfer Fees apply. Less than 23 days prior to the start of a live course, there are no refunds, transfers or credits issued to the registrant.

    • Cancellation Fee when canceling more than 23 days before a live course: 25% cancellation fee of your tuition price. This fee is capped at $150.
    • Transfer Fee when transferring more than 23 days before a live course:  $50 transfer fee if you transfer to another course or put your tuition on a credit voucher.  Cancellation fee is waived.
    • Less than 23 days prior to the start of a live course, there are no refunds, transfers or credits issued to the registrant.
    • On Demand Courses:  Once purchased, no cancellations are allowed and no refunds, transfers, credits or extensions are given if course is not completed.

    Cancellations or Transfers for a course rescheduled due to a national disaster or Federal, State, or local ordinances
    • The registrant’s enrollment will be immediately transferred to the new date.
    • If the registrant cannot attend the new date and notifies the IPA within 14 days of the reschedule notice, a full credit shall be issued to the registrant’s IPA account.
    • If the participant cancels after the 14 day grace period and prior to 23 days before the new start date of the class, the cancellation/transfer fee shall apply and the balance shall be issued as a credit to the registrant’s IPA account.
    • If the participant withdraws less than 23 days prior to the class, the registrant forfeits the full tuition.


    COVID Guidelines for In-Person Classes:
    • For a course that is canceled due to Federal, State. or Local ordinances and not rescheduled by the IPA, a full refund will be given.
    • If a registrant tests positive for COVID and cannot attend an in-person course per the following published IPA guidelines, or can document exposure to a person who has tested positive, or is exhibiting symptoms within 10 days of the course, a credit for the full tuition minus a $50 processing fee will be issued to the registrant’s IPA account for use within the designated time frame noted below.
      • If you have tested positive within the 14 days prior to the start of a course, you can attend the course as long as you 1) have been symptom free for 5 days before the start of the class and 2) wear a KN or N-95 mask -OR- provide the results of a negative rapid antigen test to IPA 24 hours prior to the start of the course.
    NOTE ABOUT CREDIT VOUCHERS: Any credit issued to the registrant’s IPA account:
    • Credits Vouchers must be used within 12 months of the original course unless written authorization is provided by the IPA.
    • After utilizing the credit there is a positive balance on the registrant’s account this balance can be used toward an additional class registration.


    IPA is not responsible for the cost of non-refundable airline tickets or other travel expenses.  The institute is not responsible for guaranteeing a specific instructor or securing approval from any state licensing agency for continuing education credits.

  • Can students attend IPA courses, and is there a discount for students?

    Yes! Students are encouraged to take IPA courses before graduation, and we offer all students a 20% student discount for each course!

    We allow students currently enrolled in DPT, ODT, and PTA programs to take any of our courses beginning in year two of their curriculum. One exception, PTA students are not allowed to take REM. OTA students are not allowed to attend advanced courses unless they attend and partner with a supervising OT, due to the majority of the material being out of the scope of practice for OTAs.

    The 20% student discount is only available to students enrolled in an entry-level DPT/ODT graduate program, and not available to graduate students returning to school to obtain higher level degrees after their initial PT/OT license has been issued.

    New professionals from an entry-level graduate program or a PTA/OTA program, still receive the discount up to one year after graduation. please see the FAQ for “Is there a discount for New Professionals?” for more information.

    To obtain the discount, you must email [email protected] with your most recent transcript, name of your school, and anticipated graduation date. You will then receive a discount coupon code which you can use for as many IPA courses as you would like up until 1-year after your official graduation date. This discount cannot be applied retroactively.

  • Is there a discount for New Professionals?

    Yes! There is a 20% new professional discount! New professionals from an entry-level graduate program or a PTA/OTA program, receive a 20% receive the discount up to one year after graduation. This discount may be used on as many IPA courses as you would like to take during that period of time.

    To obtain the discount, you must email [email protected] with a photograph of your diploma, or official notice of graduation from your school which shows your graduation date. You will then receive a discount coupon code which you can use for as many IPA courses as you would like up until 1-year after your official graduation date. This discount cannot be applied retroactively.

  • Is there a discount if I repeat a course?

    The Institute makes two spots in each course available at 1/2 price for those repeating a course within 5 years.  Open registration for the 1/2 price spots is on a first-come, first-served basis.

    • Early access is offered for those registered for CFMT & CAFMT
      • Registered and Paid-in-Full: Earliest access for ½ price registration is offered to those registered and paid in full for CFMT or CAFMT by email by the first business day of December.
      • Registered with deposit: Secondary access to ½ price registration is given to those registered for CFMT or CAFMT but not paid in full. 
    • General ½ price registration: After early access groups have been given priority registration, ½ price spots are available on a first come first serve basis.

    To receive a 1/2 priced spot, you must email [email protected] and request a 1/2 priced discount code. This code must be used during online registration, as a refund or credit cannot be issued once your transaction is complete. Half priced tuition does not include a course manual or any supplies distributed at the course.  You may order these from IPA and have them shipped to the course, or bring the materials you received the first time you took the course.

  • May I take pictures or video recordings of the course while attending?

    Short-length videos and photos are permitted at some IPA courses to share your course experience on social media. Please tag IPA if you are sharing your experience. The instructor will inform you if this course permits short-length videos and photos. Faculty will let IPA know if they are okay with video/photos and we will note this on the roster.

  • What is the Photo and Video Release policy?

    The Photo and Video Release is:

    It is common for photographs to be taken during IPA courses and these are often posted on social media or used in advertising. I give my consent for the Institute of Physical Art to use my photograph and likeness in all forms and media for advertising, trade and any other lawful purposes on IPA owned social media sites only. I understand that if I do not want my picture taken, or my image used, I must notify the IPA by email at [email protected] at least 48 hours prior to the beginning of the course. My notification will be confirmed once an email reply is received from the IPA office.

    I release the IPA from any liability or responsibility related to images taken by non-IPA employees and posted on non-IPA company owned social media or media sites.

  • What are the Office Hours for IPA?

    Our office hours are Monday through Friday 8am to 3pm Mountain Time. 970-870-9521 / [email protected]

  • How do I qualify to lab assist a course?

    After taking a course at least two times, and attending the course within 5 years, you may apply to lab assist that course at no charge. In addition, we ask that you have taken a minimum of 3 different IPA courses before starting to lab assist. These requirements will help maintain the quality of instruction at IPA courses. We try to accommodate all lab assisting requests from those that qualify. The number of openings to lab assist will be dependent on total enrollment in the course. All lab assistants need to submit proof of liability insurance prior to the course for which they are lab assisting. Please complete the Request to Lab Assist form and send to [email protected] to apply to lab assist. If you have any questions please email us at [email protected].

  • Can the IPA hold a spot for me in a course?

    The only way to hold a spot is with full payment for the course. As soon as you have registered for a spot in the course, the cancellation policy is in effect.

  • Do I have to be a PT to take IPA courses?

    IPA courses are open to PTs, PTAs, OTs, and ATCs. We also allow students currently enrolled in DPT, ODT, and PTA programs to take any of our courses. Some exceptions apply to PTA and OTA students, please see our FAQ on “Can Students Attend IPA Courses?” for further details. OTAs are not allowed to attend advanced courses unless they attend and partner with a supervising OT, due to the majority of the material being out of the scope of practice for OTAs.

  • Can ATCs take IPA Courses?

    YES! As of 2025, IPA has opened select courses to be taken by ATCs. In addition to the In-Person Courses listed below which are open to ATCs, ATCs are also able to enroll in all On-Demand Courses.

  • Are IPA courses approved by the APTA?

    Several years ago, the APTA did attempt to do a national approval process.  They determined that state chapters would create their own guidelines for course approval. Many states require that PTs complete a certain number of continuing education hours in order to retain their licenses; but not all of those states require that the courses themselves be approved.  IPA obtains approvals for courses that are held in states that require both CE units for PT licensure renewal and approval of CE courses.  Courses are approved for PTs in the state in which the course is held, unless the state will except another states APTA chapter’s approval.  If you attend a course in a state that is different from the state in which you are licensed you may submit approval requests to your state.  Please check with your state’s CEU approving agency to determine what needs to be submitted for CEU approval. IPA will provide you with any information we have that is required by your approval board.  Since 1978, IPA has never been denied for continuing education credit.

  • Are IPA courses approved for Continuing Education (CE) for Licensure?

    IPA’s courses are approved to count for CEUs for physical therapists towards license renewal in 40 out of 51 jurisdictions (including Washington D.C.).

    IPA’s courses are approved for CEUs in Illinois (provider# 216.000040) and New York, California courses are approved through ACEND (a Physical Therapy Board of California Recognized Continuing Competency Approval Agency) and all courses are approved in Texas through the Texas Physical Therapy Association. 

    • Reciprocity: The following states provide reciprocity of approval from either another state’s APTA Chapter or state’s PT Board: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Washington D.C., Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
    • No Requirements: The following two states do not require CEUs for license renewal: Maine and Massachusetts.
    • No Reciprocity: The following 10 states DO NOT accept reciprocity from either another state’s APTA Chapter or state’s PT Board: AR, LA, MN, NV, NJ, NM, OH, OK, SD, WV. If an IPA course is taught in-person in one of these states, that specific course will be submitted for approval in that state.
    • Submit Your Own: If a therapist needs approval for a state that does not accept reciprocity (the list directly above), it is your responsibility to determine what is needed for you to receive CEU credit. When you know what is needed for approval, please contact IPA ([email protected]) so we can provide you with the required information allowing you to submit your own approval application directly to your licensing jurisdiction.
    • Your Responsibility: State regulations often change rapidly and IPA is not responsible for ensuring that this information is the most up to date and accurate. Please check with your state’s licensing agency to verify what approvals your licensing board will accept. 
    • PTAs & OTs: IPA does not apply for continuing education (CE) for OTs or PTAs.  Many states approve PT, PTA, and OT continuing education through the same governing body.  PTAs & OTs should check with their state governing body to confirm if they will accept the PT CE approval.  In cases that a PT CE approval does not cover PTAs or OTs the individual would need to submit the application for approval on their own.

  • Are the IPA Courses open ATCs approved for CEUs through BOC?

    YES! As of 2025, IPA is an approved provider for the BOC for athletic trainers. All In-Person Courses open to ATCs are approved for Category A hours.

  • How do I obtain my Course Completion Certificate?

    CEU Completion Certificates:

    Completion certificates are automatically sent via email once you have completed the pre-course work, attendance is recorded by the IPA office, and your evaluation is complete.  Please allow 2 business days after the course for the IPA to record attendance.  Certificates are emailed and available from your IPA Courses account within 2 hours of all three components being completed.

    If you did not receive your completion certificate by email, you may retrieve your it from your IPA Courses account by doing the following:

    1. Login to your IPA Courses account at:
    2. Select My Courses from the left menu
    3. Select the Completed tab from the top bar
    4. Select the blue Get Certificate button from the course of interest.
      1. If you have completed the required course work and evaluation you will see a Get Certificate button.

    Please allow 2 business days after the course for the IPA to record attendance, and at least 2 hours after completion of your evaluation.

    If you do not complete your pre-course preparation or evaluation within 14 days after a course ends, there is an additional charge to receive your CEU certificate. Evaluations and pre-course work will no longer be accepted greater than 12 months after the course completion date, and a completion certificate will not be awarded.

    For more information, please write [email protected].

  • I need to leave the course early, is this allowed?

    To maintain CE approvals we are required to withhold completion certificates if you miss more than one hour of instruction at a course.  IPA courses are lab intensive so your absence means that your lab partner will not have anyone with whom to work. IPA course material builds together to form a comprehensive approach, and material learned earlier in the course is needed later in the course.  Missing the material early in the course may prevent you from being able to complete the course.  Please carefully consider any obligations you may have prior to registering for a course. In some cases exceptions may be made, however, you may not receive a completion certificate until the hours missed are made up at a future course. If you do need to miss any time in a course, please contact the IPA at [email protected] or 970-870-9521 and the IPA Directors will review your request.

  • If I started a course but was unable to complete it due to a personal or family emergency will I get a credit for my tuition?

    If you are unable to complete a course due to an emergency or sudden illness, the hours missed may be made up at a future course at no charge. Please email [email protected] immediately following the course to discuss your options. You will be required to bring a subject to practice on for the lab portions of the class you missed.

  • How can I apply to teach with the IPA?

    If you are certified in Functional Manual Therapy® (CFMT or CAFMT) and interested in becoming an IPA faculty member, the best way to start is by volunteering as a lab assistant. Lab assistants have the potential to move into paid teaching positions at the discretion of the IPA Directors. If you would like to join the IPA Faculty, please complete this Faculty Affirmation of Interest form and send it to [email protected]

  • Can I attend a course if I am pregnant?

    For those of you who are pregnant and desiring to attend one of our courses, we can accommodate pregnancy. Most labs will be able to be performed, but some labs you may not want to be practiced on.

    We recognize that each pregnancy is unique, and the final decision on which labs you participate in should be determined by you and your medical team. If you feel like there will be any restrictions on your participation, please contact the IPA by email ([email protected]). Please also include additional restrictions you and your medical team would like you to avoid, if they are not included in the list below (i.e. different anatomical structures you do not want palpated or treated directly during the class).

    The below addresses two main challenges for pregnant individuals to be able to be practiced on:

    • Abdominal manual therapy sections – This is an absolute contraindication in IPA Manual Therapy classes, you will not be able to be practiced on in IPA courses.
    • Positioning – Depends on your ability and comfort level of laying in the following positions for treatments to be performed on you.
      • Prone
      • Supine

  • Can I attend a course if I have a condition that prevents me from being practiced on during the labs?

    If you have any restrictions that do not allow you to fully participate, or be practiced on during labs, please contact the IPA to discuss your specific situation.  In some instances, provisions for attendance can be made when ample notice is received.

  • What is the Product Return Policy?

    Product Orders and Returns:If you are not satisfied with your product(s) you can return them in new condition within 30 calendar days. We will give you a refund minus the shipping.  If you have questions or concerns regarding an order for any of our products please contact us.   Orders for products will not be replaced or refunded after 30 calendar days of your original order.

  • Will the IPA reimburse me if the course is cancelled?

    Please refer to cancelation policy that matches your situation below:

    • My course was cancelled by the IPA: You can choose between having a full refund issued to your method of payment, or receiving a credit to your IPA account coupled with a discount on a future course.
    • My course was cancelled due to Federal, State, or local ordinances, and rescheduled: No refunds are issued to your method of payment, however a credit can be issued to your IPA account for use on any future IPA course.
    • My course was cancelled due to Federal, State, or local ordinances, and not rescheduled: You can choose between having a full refund issued to your method of payment, or receiving a credit to your IPA account coupled with a discount on a future course.

    For all course cancellation scenarios, IPA is not responsible for the cost of non-refundable airline tickets, hotel reservations, or other travel expenses.

  • How to host an IPA course?

    The IPA team welcomes all requests to partner with IPA to bring FMT courses to your professional community! Please fill out the Host A Course Form and return via email to [email protected]. For more information on the benefits of hosting, please request a hosting packet by emailing [email protected].

    IPA partners with hosting facilities to offer two hosting options:

    • “In-House” courses – Exclusive and for your team only. Requires a minimum of 18 participants.
    • “Open” courses – Open to all qualified participants. Requires no minimum number of facility participants.

    In general, we ask hosting facilities to accommodate at least 30 participants, with two people at one treatment table.  In larger metro areas, accommodations for 40 participants are preferred.  Accommodations for as low as 18 participants may be approved depending on location.

    To be considered for hosting a course complete the Intent to Host form and return it via the directions on the form.